Short Notes on Opinion

There's a difference between giving your opinion and imposing your opinion on others. The former is when you give your ideas for the purpose of discussion, or stating your own beliefs or conclusions which is perfectly fine - but a step further in learning is when you prepare to change those beliefs when you are proven wrong.

Imposing your opinion on others is when you take something as a given, and refuse to acknowledge the probability that you could be wrong. In effect, you are saying others' opinions are not legitimate in respect to your absolute opinion. Which is why you become offended when someone does not agree with you.

When reading, you may be able to recognise didactic tone in certain written works (I absolutely hate it). 

For instance, you could say, Oh I believe that everything can't be in two places at once. That is just impossible! (And in your mind, you ABSOLUTELY believe in it).

But as proven in the world of quantum physics, electrons can exist in two places at once, which is mind-boggling. 

Scientists do not define facts as the absolute truth. A fact, in its real definition, is the accepted conclusion backed by proven variables under observation. That is why men of science can change their belief when they are proven wrong. In fact, all men of learning do this. As Bertrand Russell laid down in his first commandment of learning: Do not be absolutely certain of anything.

Scientific theory, is not merely a postulation of an opinion. A theory in science is the accepted hypothesis of the day for the cause of certain effects observed under the influence of certain variables. Which is why it must include extensive research. It is not as easy as the word theory makes it sound, to laymen at least. 

Gravity, is a theory, since it can't be observed in reality, except only its effects. Evolution, given the immensity of time, can't be observed with our eyes definitely, but the effects can be observed down the line. It is a theory that includes an extensive research, and so far, other complementary researches have corroborated the accepted hypothesis.


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